All The Things You Need To Do If You Have Sensitive Eyes

All The Things You Need To Do If You Have Sensitive Eyes

There are so many people with sensitive eyes. Choosing makeup that won’t irritate them can be such a difficult thing to do. Being one with a sensitive pair of eyes, I certainly know what I am talking about and I have been looking for ways to look flawless with quality makeup on and lose that itchy feeling and reddish look. Fortunately, there are several things that have worked out fine for me and I am more than happy to share them with you. So, here they are. 

Proper Hygiene Habits

This is the first and most important thing that has to be part of every washing/cleaning routine. You mustn’t touch your eyes with dirty hands and never, under no circumstance, scratch them over and over again. This will only make the irritated feeling more powerful and painful. Instead, regularly wash them and dry the eye area with a towel, paying attention to the towel not to touch the eyes.

Wear Glasses Instead of Lenses

I know that lenses are the more popular option, but in case of sensitive eyes, glasses are yet the netter solution. Lenses come in contact with the eyes and any outer particle can irritate them even if you wash the lenses regularly. Glasses don’t come in contact with the eyes, thus you are not risking irritation. 

Use Hypoallergenic Eye Makeup Products

Make sure you buy eye makeup products that are certified hypoallergenic. You can buy hypoallergenic mascara online but make sure it is a simple kind that can be washed off easily and it doesn’t contain colour additives. Or, never be afraid to buy hypoallergenic eyeliner online, just make sure there are no parabens and talc inside the formula. Hypoallergenic makeup means it is highly unlikely to cause an allergic reaction and irritate the skin, body or in this case – the eyes. Also, another crucial moment – don’t lend your makeup products to anyone else. 

Clean Your Makeup Tools Regularly

Clean the brushes, sponges and other tools you use to apply makeup regularly. When you leave them with the excess amount of the makeup on them, a lot of bacteria can nest on them, and when you use them the next time you will transfer the bacteria and on your eyes and on the remaining product in the tube/bottle.

Decrease the Brightness Level on Your Smart Devices

Sensitive eyes don’t like flashy lights pointed at them, and the biggest flashy devices that we are so attached to are, of course, our smartphones. So, what you need to do is decrease the brightness level set it to automatically adjusts itself depending on the outer light. Also, you mustn’t spend a lot of time in front of the screen and if you have to (it is part of your work) you must take frequent breaks. 

Eat Healthy Food, Especially for the Eyes

Yes, there is food that can improve the condition of your eyes and the sight as well. Eat a lot of nuts, seafood, berries, leafy greens, citrus fruits and eggs. Also, make sure there are a lot of omega 3 fats included in your meals. 

Cool Your Eyes with a Compress

To reduce the redness of your eyes, use a clean wet towel and place it on your eyes. Keep the compress for about 10 minutes and you will immediately feel the effect.

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