Alkaline Water VS RO Purified Water - Which One Is Better?

Alkaline Water VS RO Purified Water - Which One Is Better?

Let’s understand these two types of water as PURE and CLEAN.
Alkaline water is pure, full of added minerals and antioxidants with anti-bacterial properties and a slightly basic pH ensuring a healthy and balanced quantity of essential components. On the other hand, RO purified water is clean, germ-free and with no bacterial activity, but with no minerals and a slightly acidic compared to alkaline water. ALKALINE WATER This water is produced by treating the supply water with water ionizers. It removes the inorganic compound and softens the water. In this process, water is treated with resin beads which exchange two sodium ion for single calcium or magnesium ion. The product formed is used to regenerate the resin by treating it with NaCl. But this does not remove bacteria or particles. Apart from this, the process also helps in increasing the pH value of the water. REVERSE OSMOSIS Reverse osmosis is the opposite of osmosis. Solvent flows from a higher concentration level to a lower concentration level, but under the effect of some external pressure general produced by pumping mechanism in the equipment used. It ensures removal of particles of excellent size thus removing bacteria and any solid particle. But this makes the water slightly acidic and demineralized which again can cause certain deficiencies without a proper diet. DIFFERENCES 1. Economic method Alkaline water uses water ionizing resin beads which get regenerated and also ensures a balanced pH and mineral content. On the other hand, RO purifiers consume electricity for proper reverse pressure generation against osmotic pressure. Although it removes 90% to 99% of foreign particles, it makes water acidic thus making use of alkaline water a better option economically. 2. Mineral Removal Alkaline water is rich in mineral content. The water ionization method used for this type of water generation ensures the addition of electrolytes enabling a better hydration capacity. It can be beneficial as a mineral supplement in your daily diet. Also, the body absorbs contents from the liquid at a much faster rate so mineral absorption will be at a considerably more rapid rate when compared to food. This water also ensures the body’s electrolyte balance along with mineral balance. RO purifiers remove almost all the minute particle leaving no trace of bacteria and other solid particles, leaving the water demineralized and you, prone to many deficiencies and dilution considering a low mineral diet. 3. Space Requirement The equipment used for alkaline water generation takes very less space and even fits in the refrigerator. RO purifiers require a larger space thus covering a lot of your kitchen space. 4. Water Wastage RO purifying system wastes a lot of water. A large amount of water is pumped into the system for a higher pressure creation and simultaneously generating more wastewater mixed with solid waste. Alkaline water generation is rich in minerals and also ensures 0% water wastage. 5. pH Balancing Alkaline water is rich with minerals and electrolytes maintain a healthy pH value for consumption, and on the other hand, RO purified water is slightly acidic and demineralized. If the TDS value of waterfalls below 100, it gets dangerous if consumed. RO system decreases the TDS value of water and water ionizers increases it. Keeping this in mind, new purifying arrangements are made where water is first filtered with the RO system, and then minerals are added. SO an altogether win-win situation, right?

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