Healthy And Fresh Fruit Juices For Fair Complexion

Healthy And Fresh Fruit Juices For Fair Complexion

Beauty! It is a compliment that everyone loves to hear for themselves. What don't people do for this beauty? Beauty parlors, cosmetics, surgery and do not know what are the measures. There are many ways to get beauty in a natural way, which is quite economical and healthy too. The unnatural methods and cosmetics that the beauty gives at the moment also adversely affect the face after a long interval such as a glimpse of premature age, skin problems, allergies, etc. The chances of many problems are increased. Even after such a costly beauty treatment, if the skin is to suffer harmful damage, then what to do if the skin also glows and pockets as well. First of all, we would advise the same to make healthy changes in your food for beauty because good diet makes you beautiful both inside and outside. That is, beauty depends on food and drink only. Fruits come in your healthy diet, by which you can get rid of skin and body diseases. If you do not like any fruit, then its juice will also be very beneficial. Here are some healthy and fresh fruit juices in which fruit juice is best for skin whitening.

Healthy And Fresh Fruit Juices For Fair Complexion


It contains an enzyme called papain, which is helpful in removing dead skin cells. It moisturizes and softens dry skin. It contains anti-oxidants rich in vitamins A, B, C, potassium, copper, and magnesium. In view of its benefits and qualities, it is known as "Food of Angel". Its regular intake enhances the complexion of the face. Massage can be done by applying ripe papaya directly on the face. Face pack - Mix one teaspoon of glycerin and milk powder and two teaspoons of pineapple juice in two teaspoon papaya pudding and put this pack on the face for 20-25 minutes, then clean it with cold water, you will see freshness and beauty in your skin. Prepare a face-mask by mixing the flour, honey, and yogurt in papaya and place it on the face for 20 minutes, then wipe it with cold water.


It is an evergreen fruit. This fruit juices an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C, B6. Many problems are cured by their intake daily. It has been called the best fruit for health, nutrition, and hair and skin beauty. Its properties make both hair and skin soft. Chemical damaged hair can also be cured with the help of banana. Face pack - Crush the ripe banana and apply it directly on the face and wash it after 20 minutes. Hair Pack - For dry hair, mix one teaspoon of glycerin or honey or almond oil in a banana pack and prepare a hair pack. Healthy And Fresh Fruit Juices For Fair Complexion


The benefits of both its juice and rind are the same. It is the lowest calorie and the largest source of vitamin C. Apart from this; anti-oxidants are also rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamins A and B, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. According to research, consuming one glass of orange juice is more beneficial than the intake of vitamin C supplements and also this is the best fruit juices for fair complexion. With this, the body is protected from many diseases and the effect of increasing age is also controlled. It is most commonly used for beauty. It is capable of removing the facial pimples and spots from the root. Face pack- Mix 2 spoons of oatmeal and honey in orange juice and keep it on the face for 15 minutes. Along with removing blackheads and dead skin, it also prevents pimples. You can also apply its juice directly on the face. This increases the flexibility of the face and reduces the effect of wrinkles. Healthy And Fresh Fruit Juices For Fair Complexion Due to the citric acid in the skin, it whitens the face and opens the closed pores. So make a face mask of orange peel. Honey can be added to the mask.

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