Inspire Subscriber Trust With Flawless Real Time Billing And Charging

Inspire Subscriber Trust With Flawless Real Time Billing And Charging

Real time billing and charging has become a necessity for modern-day telecom operations. Every customer wants a single invoice that shows all his service usage, and that can only be done by implementing convergent charging via a centralized Online Charging System (OSC). But that is not enough. You need to ensure that the OCS is 3GPP compliant and performs flawless charging of services, irrespective of the number and types of services you are delivering.

The Need for Convergence

Convergence is when different things meet at a single point. And an OCS specifically does the task of converging every telecom service to a single point. There are two types of telecom services: session based and event based. An OCS has the capability to charge and monetize both types of services. This eliminates the need for different systems in a single telecom operation, thus reducing the complexity. Convergence is an essential requirement and every telco should strive to have a convergent charging system.

How Convergence Helps Build Subscriber Trust and Interest?

When a subscriber sees a fully-itemized bill that reflects all service charges, things become very clear for him. There is no discrepancy and no confusion. As prepaid, postpaid, broadband, IPTV and IoT services are on the same bill, things become more transparent between telcos and their subscribers. It also helps in:
  • Better customer care as support agents and customers are on the same page
  • Easier to monetize services and package them in attractive bundles
  • Convenient to implement self-care portal and allow customers to build their own plans by choosing services of their choice
  • Telcos can offer cross-product discounts

Ensure Flawless Charging and Billing with 3GPP Compliant Platform

To ensure that convergent charging and billing are done flawlessly, you need a 3GPP compliant platform. Not only it prevents revenue leakage, it also ensures that services are charged in true real-time.

The Value of Scalable, Safe and Secure Telecom Charging System

Apart from the necessary functionality, it is critical that the telecom charging system is completely safe. It should be based on the cloud and the data should be replicated at multiple datacenters. This prevents loss of critical customer data in case a site gets compromised. Also, as the charging system has sensitive customer account information like phone number, bank account information, debit card number etc., it should be bolstered with robust encryption. Last but not the least, the charging system should be scalable to meet emerging requirements. Both vertical and horizontal scalability are essential if a telecom operation has to stay future proof.

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